• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Wandering man to be charged for cocaine in “tablet bottle”

ByStaff Reporter

Feb 12, 2024

An intelligence led operation in the wee hours of Monday morning ended in Police arresting a man with no fixed address for the possession of suspected narcotics.

At around 03:15hrs on Monday morning, ranks of the Police force, acting on information received, went to a makeshift shed in Enterprise, East Coast Demerara.

There, they apprehended one Rajnarine Guyandat, a 59-year-old unemployed man with no fixed place of abode.

When a search was conducted on his person, Police found a ‘tablet bottle’ in his pants waist. The bottle contained several small transparent plastic bags with rock-like, creamish substances which are suspected to be cocaine.

Guyandat was told of the offence, cautioned, arrested and escorted to the Vigilance Police Station. The suspected narcotics were also taken to the Station, where they were weighed and amounted 4.2 grams.

The narcotics were lodged, and the man was placed into custody to be charged.

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