• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Joint Commission between Guyana and Venezuela meets in Brazil

Following the meeting between the President of Guyana, His Excellency Dr Irfaan Ali and the President of Venezuela, and HE Nicolás Maduro on December 14, 2023, in St Vincent and…

Minister Rodrigues announces 51 New Areas for Housing Development

Minister Susan Rodrigues in her address to the national assembly boasted of the fifty-one new areas slated for housing development, the distribution of 30,000 house lots, the development of new…

Duncan Critiques Government’s Road Projects, Edghill Counters with PPP/C’s Infrastructure Achievements

Sherod Duncan, Opposition Member of Parliament, delivered his remarks on the 2024 National Budget on Thursday afternoon. In his address, Duncan stated that the plans to build the Diamond Access…

Clash Over Geriatric Care: Singh-Lewis Calls Out Government Mismanagement, Persaud Defends New Initiatives

On the fourth day of the 2024 National Budget Debates, Opposition Member of Parliament Natasha Singh-Lewis opened the floor by stating her disapproval of the allocations of the $1.146 trillion…

Budget 2024 is “Transformation in Action”- Frank Anthony

Dr. Frank Anthony, Minister of Health, today made his contributions in favour of the 2024 Budget and termed the projected and continuing initiatives of the current administration “Transformation in Action”.…

APNU winning Elections is laughable- Vice President Jagdeo

In dismissing the criticisms made by opposition members of parliament concerning the 2024 National Budget, Dr. Bharat Jagdeo stated that the large majority of them have no policy experience, and…

Opposition MPs walkout of Parliament during Budget Debates

APNU+AFC Members of Parliament staged a walkout on the third day of Parliament, January 25. In a statement released on their social media page, it was revealed that this was…

Guyana and Dominican Republic Forge Stronger Ties with Launch of New Chamber of Commerce in DR

The Dominican Republic now hosts a Guyanese Chamber of Commerce in support of the efforts of the Dominican Chamber of Commerce located in Guyana, at a private lunch on Friday,…

Government to issue 1,362 small business grants in 2024

The 2024 National Budget offers key initiatives to support small business development. It is projected that 1,362 small business grants will be issued. Additionally, some 100 loans will be disbursed.…

Salary Increases for 185 Insurance Group Employees

One hundred eighty-five (185) insurance group employees benefited from the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on Wednesday, January 24 between the Clerical and Commercial Workers Union (CCWU) and…