• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

No money! No Work: Teachers will “Stay the Course”- Jermaine Figueira MP

ByStaff Reporter

Feb 8, 2024

On Day Four of the nationwide GTU strike, scores of educators from Linden marched through the streets of Linden, persistent in their fight for better salaries, chanting “no money, no work” and “slippers on the ground, we ain’t backing down”. They were joined by executive members of the Guyana Teachers’ Union, parents, students, and vendors. 

The First Vice President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union Ms. Morisca a resident of region three was also in attendance. She posited that the teachers are “demanding that the government meets with the teachers” and respect the process of arbitration.   

It was reported that scores of parents and their children joined the educators expressing their solidarity. One newspaper vendor was seen marching alongside the linden educators, while other passersby honked their horns and chanted in agreement. 

 Jermaine Figueira, Member of Parliament, stated that teachers are requesting that the government allow them to obtain some of the easily accessible wealth, which he refers to as the “low hanging fruits”. Furthermore, he emphasized that, while the teachers are unhappy with having to strike, they will “stay the course” until the underlying challenges confronting teachers in this fraternity are solved. 

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