• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Ministry of Labour launches investigation into fatality at Puruni Backdam

ByStaff Reporter

Apr 16, 2024

Press Statement from the Ministry of Labour

The Ministry of Labour has commenced investigations into a fatal accident that occurred on Sunday, April 14, at Rock Creek mining area, Puruni, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni). 

The deceased has been identified as 47-year-old gold miner, Stephen Samuel of Karawab, Pomeroon River, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam). 

Samuel was at the time employed as a jetman by a Brazilian national. 

According to reports received, six miners were working in the pit when a part of the southern wall collapsed and slid into the pit, covering Samuel and partially covering two others. 

With the quick response of the other workers in the pit, the three affected men were removed from beneath the soil, and Samuel’s motionless body was escorted by police to the Puruni Health Center. 

There, he was examined by a doctor and pronounced dead on arrival. 

Occupational Safety and Health Officer with responsibility for Region Seven, Mr. Naipaul Persaud, Safety Inspectors of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), Mr. Irvie London and Ms. Shauna Williams, and Regional Supervisor at the Bartica Regional Hospital, Mr. Royan Teixeira, are leading the investigation. 

As the Ministry continues to raise awareness of key OSH practices in observance of Occupational Safety and Health Month 2024, strong emphasis is being placed on mitigating workplace fatalities and accidents, especially in the mining and construction sectors. 

Minister of Labour, the Honourable Joseph Hamilton, has also continued to express concern over the number of injuries and accidents that occur on job sites. 

He acknowledges the distress it causes for the loved ones of the deceased, and extends heartfelt sympathies to the affected families, colleagues, and friends. 

The investigation is ongoing. 


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