Amidst the rising tension between the Government and the GTU, teachers and students call for normalcy in the classrooms, as the government remains unwilling to engage with the GTU despite International, Regional and Local Union support.
Educators braved the sun on day 15 of the Nationwide Guyana Teachers’ Union strike, as they continue to call on the Ministry of Education and the current administration to pay teachers “livable” wages and address their poor working conditions. The striking teachers highlighted the vast difference in the salaries they receive and the high cost of living in Guyana as they chanted, “the goods in the market high high and teachers’ salary low low”
Today, the teachers were dressed in black and white apparel to send the message that politics should be put to rest and negotiation talks should begin. During the live coverage of the protest in front of the Ministry of Education 21 Brickdam GTU President Dr Mark Lyte, continued to refute the claims that the ongoing industrial action is politically motivated. He expressed that the cries of teachers are heard in every region across the nation.
A large percentage of the nation’s educators have been out of their classrooms for nearly 50 teaching sessions as the industrial action enters its fourth week. Students from primary and secondary schools were present on the protest line today, holding placards that called for the restoration of the educational system. Dr Lyte urged the government to resolve the issues identified by teachers so that they can return to their classrooms and bring back stability and normalcy.