• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

APNU/AFC Condemns Government for lack of “Transparency and Accountability” in Gas-to-Energy Project

ByStaff Reporter

Feb 14, 2024

The APNU+AFC coalition on Monday morning demanded a greater degree of transparency and accountability from the government in the Gas-to-Energy Project. In their press release, the coalition addressed the increased financing requirements and projected consumer rates, as well as the delay in the United States Export Import Bank a $646 million loan. 

According to APNU, initially, the Gas-to-energy Project would have been able to reduce electricity rates by 50% without large subsidies; however, due to a cost increase from 100 million USD to 200 million USD, this appears unlikely, as the tariff is now $1 billion and will affect the electricity cost, 

The APNU/AFC reported that the government showed no transparency as the project location was changed without conducting a feasibility study and a cost benefit analysis. Furthermore, they claimed that such a massive public investment will necessitate careful management. 

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